It is important to stay engaged with the members of your church all year long and not limit their experiences to a few hours on Sunday. With life’s different activities and responsibilities, it is very easy for church members to fall off the road side, get distracted and the results may affect church growth and its’ members at large. Also, the ability to continuously engage members inside and outside of the church helps them to stay involved, feel encouraged and be spiritually aligned and uplifted by the leadership of the church. There are various ways to maintain a long relationship with the members of your church and here are four of them.
Encourage Involvement:
As a Christian, there are many verses in the bible that talk about serving in the house of the Lord. Encourage your church members to volunteer and serve in church and in various departments; examples like the children ministry, hospitality ministry, etc. Getting members involved in building the church will retain them in the house of God. Regular ministrations about the importance of service will remind your members to give their time to the church and let them feel very encouraged to stay involved in church. Always remember to provide bible verses that tells the story and reward of service. i.e. 1 Peter 4:10-11 says : “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever”. Amen.
Use Technology:
Your members spend a lot more time online than in the church. Therefore, engaging them through related platforms is very important. A church has to stay relevant and visible online and the foundation is having an effective church website. One of the reasons your church needs a website is because in modern times it is one of the easiest most used methods of communication and engagement. With a website, church members can have a place to see all related information about the church from weekly sermons, to special announcements, to various updates about what is going on within the church. A good church website must be simple and easy to navigate with information clearly stated. More or less it must be very easy to use. A Church website builder like www.shepherdsland.com comes to mind. It is a platform that specifically builds websites for churches and ministries, with very easy to use designs and customizable tools, you don’t need to be tech savvy to build an amazing website. With your website in place, it opens amazing opportunities to constantly engage with your members.
Community outreach:
Your church should regularly create interactive activities in the neighborhood, including where some active church members live. If there is a need or lack in such an area, an act of love is required. Sharing an opportunity for other church members to give creates a sense of belonging. An example of that is if there had been a natural disaster in the community and the church helps people out in that area by providing shelter, emotional and financial assistance. Creating a Fundraising initiative will be a welcomed idea. The members of the church and community will see the church and its’ leadership as leading by example. Nowadays, it is very easy to set-up Fundraising campaigns. A website like www.continuetogive.com provides the perfect online giving platform. Fundraising pages and URLs can be shared quickly and easily with unlimited amounts of people. Continuetogive.com has made it so easy to set-up online giving, with an award-winning software management system your church will be in safe hands.
It will make it easier for members of the church, community and the world at large to help out when such similar needs arise. This is a lasting testimony for the church and it will resonate in the hearts of many. When people feel appreciated, they tend to want to give more of their time and efforts.
Members retention is a big part of keeping your church alive. No members, no church. This is a non negotiable responsibility of the leadership to ensure the members are present and active in the church. Regularly engaging with them through the above methods and finding new ones are very important. Growing and encouraging your members also helps you know that the work of God is done through you and there is a reward for doing God’s work. So, don’t relent and always pray for His ultimate guidance. Always remember that you can do all things through Christ that gives your strength. Philippians 4 vs13.